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Title: Publisher: Released: Contributor(s):
Ninja Gaiden 2 Tecmo Yes Sbowker

Cartridge Images:


Additional Information:

Cartridge sold on eBay in 2005 by sbowker. This cartridge is full of interesting things.

The title screen on this game says "Ninja Gaiden II -- Sample 36." Sample 36 seems to be the identification number of this cartridge. The game is fully playable, up to a point. After you complete stage 5, the game shows you a few brief preview cutscenes, then the game ends with a "Coming Soon" screen.

Perhaps the most interesting thing is that this cartridge actually contains stages 6 through 7-5. Some of these stages are finished, others are missing backgrounds and enemy sprites. Either way, all of these stages are missing their cutscenes and they are only accessable with a Game Genie code.

Why did Tecmo go to such extents to limit this sample version of their game? Most likely, they were afraid that magazine review companies would give away too much of the storyline if they had a full version of the game. Magazine companies are infamous for doing this very thing. Anyway, this is a great piece of history that has been preserved.



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