Talespin Chronicles
Remember the game gamers hold dearly as one of the Top 50 Nintendo games? The game known as Talespin? I sure do. Last week I recieved an interesting letter from Capcom revealing 3 more Talespin games in the works, all of which never made release. Lets continue on with the journey. Capcom was unfortuanetly only able to provide me with a few screenshots of each game. Whata pity that was, cuz some of these games look pretty cool.
To the right is a picture of Talespin II. That game looks similar to another game I've played before... I really can't remember what that game's name was. I do think it was unlicensed though. Capcom told me that they would buy "Cheap plane fighter sims from unlicensed companies" and then they would "Tweek the graphics and music to give it that classic Talespin feel." This really doesn't seem good on Capcom's part. I guess the workers sometime get bored? Yeah they probably did this out of bordem. I'd really like to see Capcom get a license from Disney to produce this "game," btw.
The horror doesn't stop with this title. Below we have pics of a Talespin 3 and 4!
The title of Talespin 3 blows my mind away! This reminds me of one of those hacks you'd find in Asia. Baloo is in all his glory towards the left hadn side of the screenshot. He's incredibly fat, and his hands/paws look really weird. For some reason Baloo is on a surfboard, I truly don't know why. Baloo's boss (the name slips my mind at the moment) is on the right side of the picture. She has her eyes close, and her eyes are red for that matter. Very weird. And then ther'es that Talespin 3 written towards the top of the screen, as well as a "licensed by Disney produced by Capcom message." If the game is like this on the title screen, I wonder what the gameplay is actually like. Could it be worse than this? Lets find out.
I look at the screenshot Capcom provided me of the game in action and all I can say is man! Capcom must have been in need of a quick buck. Baloo is riding his plane in some area which looks like a space station. This stage is loaded with tons of enemies at every corner, including cannons and otehr space-like enemies which I can't think of a name for.
Another question comes into my head at this point. How does Baloo live if he breathes oxygen and he's in space? There is no oxygen in space. Something just doesn't seem right here. Something, I just cannot seem to figure this game out.
Hey, I think I'll stick to playing the original Talespin. But I was also sent pictures of Talespin 4, so I'll show you those pics too yet they are really scary.
The title screen has no copyright information, just some text reading "One Player" and "Aerial Attack Force." Aerial Attack Force? Did I here that before? It sounds familliar. And that "t" from the world Talespin looks strangely similar to a "t" from another game, could it be...who knows what the pic from the game itself could reveal.
Now I remember! A game like this is the type you never forget. This game is a hack of Double Strike by American Video Entertainment and Sachen, a game which is really slow and boring, a game with Talespin characters? Yes, Don Karnage seems to have been hacked into this title, funny how they kept the modern planes in the game too.
Overall, Talespin is the best of the 4 Talespin games. Sure, if you see Talespin Volumes 2, 3, or 4 laying around, you may want to pick them up for rarity value. Capcom told me that there was only about 50 of each of these carts produced. Crummy games are rare for good reasons, but hey, if you can get rich off of it, why not?
Note-- This game is fake, truely an idea of the author's mind :)