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Super Mario World 9

One summer day, not too long ago, I was contacted by a dude I know, the dude I got my Famicom Mega Man 6 and Fantasy Zone carts from. He had for sale a Super Mario World 9 cart that...well he said it played like Adventure Island 2. Being the curious gamer I am we worked something out and the next thing I knew a small package had arrived for me. Excited, I ran upstairs with my new Super Mario World 9 cart and...

The cart did not work. I tried and tried to get the darn thing to work. After I fiddled with it for half an hour, I took the sledge over the cart. The end. Actually my experience was much better then that. The game loaded up and I saw the Super Mario World 9 title screen. I enter the game itself and the guy was right, it is Adventure Island 2.

When playing any Mario game, I have this bad habit of stomping my enemies. In Super Mario World 9 you cannot do that. Perhaps my bad habit is the reason I stayed in world one for so long :P Unlike Adventure Island 2, in Super Mario World 9 the axes have been replaced with fireballs. To make things even better, you start off with nine lives, just like a cat.

Personally I like Adventure Island 2 as one of the Super Mario Bros. games. The game is very fun and although it reminds me more of a Wario game then a Mario game, it makes a great hack. I don't care for the fact that the cart won't fit in my converter, I always have to use the Game Axe with it or take it out of the case :(


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The Warp Zone is Copyright 1999-2006 ~~NGD (Jason Smith). Content is not to be reproduced without written permission. Nintendo, NES, and all associated video games, music, characters, etc. are owned by the respective companies. All rights reserved. Special Thanks to TRM-(Dave A.)