Wizard Player This is you, a wizard, and a student of Mordamir. You must travel through several dungeons to rescue your master. Contrary to popular belief, you are NOT immortal.

MordamirThis is Mordamir, an old wizard. You are one of his pupils. Mordamir is kidnapped and being held at the bottom of a dark dungeon filled with trolls and goblins. Mordamir was the master of the old town, Erinoch, which was destroyed by dragons long ago. Mordamir was the only surviver...

MessengerThis is the messenger, sent my Dunric to warn you to quit your mission. Later in the game, he provides you with a magic carpet needed to complete level four. He comes and goes like the wind... very odd.

GoblinGoblins patrol many of the different rooms of the dungeon. They are reasonable to work with, and they are also at war with the trolls, who hate humans. Maybe you can become allies?

This guy sells you potions at high prices, whatever you might be interested in. He has slime protection potions, and shrinking potions with bad side effects.

TrollTrolls are also inhabinats of the dungeon. Not as friendly as goblins, they are at constant war with the goblins. Will you help defeat them?

Diamond CutterThis greedy diamond cutter is found in the second floor of the dungeon. Make him suffer and he will gladly give up his precious diamond.

Goblin KingThe Goblin King is at first an enemy, later a friend. Help him out, he'll remember your favor and return it to you later on. He is the leader of the goblins, he almost dies in level two but he survives.

ProgrammersThe games programmers: Brett, Will, Ian, and Mike. Give them coffee, they will give you nasty BO (no kidding!) Give them nothing, Will will kill you. Nice job :)

AnaDunric's daughter, Ana. Give her the ring that Dunric gave her and she will thank you, give you advice, and later fall in love with you. Give her nothing and Ana will hate you for the rest of your life.

DunricDunric. He is another of Mordamir's students. Give him his ring back and he will teach you some magical spells which are useful later in the game.

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