Welcome to the NES flashback Links page page. Did I forget someone!?! Well let me know and I'll add them:) If you link to Flashback, let us know and we'll link to you!!!

Links to other sites on the Web

TSR's NES Page! Everyone's favorite for all sorts of goofy info.

The NES Nation! Need I say more?

The Backhand page! I wish he could update more, but it's still a great page.

Visit Phife-Dog @ the Old Skool! One funny page.

8 Bit Xtreme!!! It's baaaaack! And better than ever!

Loogaroo's Lair!Featuring pages on the NES and game shows. Sounds like me!(Hey Tim, you're going to hear it from me a million times but where is Peter Tomarken?!?!?:-) )

MagitekChocobo's NES Dimension! Has the Green Text-Black background combo that I adore for some reason.

The NES Triforce! This page is getting bigger and bigger!!!

The Classic NES Games Review Page! NES Games being reviewed. Fair enough.

The NES Trading Post Buy, Sell and Trade NES Games. Novel, eh?

The Nintendo Flea Market See above.

The Nintendo Palace!A nice little page from an NES fan. Yes, an NES fan.

Spazzoid's NES Stuff Very good NES site from the one and only Spazzoid

8 Bit Nostalgia There has been a *lot* of time put into this page.

Koopa's NES Vault!A *MUST SEE* section on Java Games.

NES World Order I wish they'd lose the goofy wrestling shtick, but a very nice page.

The NES Temple New NES sites just aren't supposed to be this good. Worth a look

Alf's NES Land I used to call myself Alf as a child. True story.

Big Stu's NES Wonderland Good page. Good name. Good stuff. A combination guaranteed to make you say.....Whew!

Hoz's 8-Bit Nintendo Page Nifty little site.

The NES Unliscensed Page Probably the most intriguing page out there. I really like this site. Give this one a look.

The NES Cafe Nothing really new, but what is there is really good

The Spooky Kids Hack Posse Hacks. Lots of hacks. Lots of great hacks.

The NES Revolution Has a great deal of potential. Look for it.
NES Online This is one very good page. Worth a look.

The NES Hall of Greatness Even if the page sucked (which it doesn't), go there for the name. Powerful stuff.

The NES Files A web-zine about the NES. Good page

NESCrophillia One weird page. And I mean that in a good way.

The NES World of FunNES A new NES page from Homer. Looks just like another NES page, but still has some great stuff!

The NESt. Very good page. I like the reviews section.

NEStuff 2 Think of it as a sequel of sorts. A good page that has potential

Nintendo Memory Lane A site devoted to bringing back the NES. Sounds familiar.:)

The Mario~Zelda~MegaMan~Metroid WebSite Quite the name, eh?

Milroy's Nintendo page A new NES site. Not much to it yet, but it should grow like all NES sites, right?:D


The Castlevania Dungeon A very cool page, IMO. Worth a look.

Dustin's Dragon Warrior/Quest Shrine Very good site on Very good games.

Stalfos's Zelda Page Shtuff on Zelda.

Video Game Palace.I'm the news correspondant and reviewer for this webpage. You HAVE to visit here. Do it for me.

World of Nintendo, an excellent NES page! but Beware of the 64 bit stuff!!

Keith Putt's game page Nicely done page on all sorts of systems.

HobGoblin's Video Game Museum. Hob is a good friend of mine who's got many reviews and a great MB. See for yourself!!!

Funcoland! Go buy yourself some games.

The NES Message Board! It's a message board on the NES. I bet you never could have figured it out.

The NES Helping Hands Message Board! They're there to help you.

The NES Buy, Trade or Sell Message Board! Self explanitory.

The Dragon Warrior Message Board! Boards one of the best NES games' series of all time.

The Mario Message Board! Momma Mia!

The Mega Man Message Board! Boards on, IMO, the best NES games' series of all-time. (Possible exception being Mario)

The Zelda Message Board! More message board madness.

JaySilverman's Waste of HTML Arguably the worst site on the web and it belongs to me!!!

The Baker's family home page Nice little site from some friends' of the NES-Nut.

Fontastic! Fonts, fonts more fonts.

Funny wav files! Goofy as a beaver.

Memorabilia From some Nirvana fans out of Canada. One of which made that nifty little NES Petition banner.